Friday, April 28, 2006

ga2550: Gratitude Expressing Art

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."

In our busy daily life, how often have we stopped to think of all the things (esp the little ones) that we should be grateful about? During the period of time that i was working at kmsYM, I learnt about 1 of their past projects called Gratitude Art. I found it very meaningful as it reminds me that there's so many people in my life that i should be grateful to, so many things that i should be grateful about, yet i always neglect them. So if you ask me what i learnt during my internship at YM, 1 of the most important lessons is to be grateful. 知恩报恩。

This year, Gratitude Art is back again. Below is the introduction that i took out of their website.

A friend once mentioned that he is grateful for the quietly dignified ways his father has served the family. Yet each day passes with his continual inaction. He fears he’d miss the chance, but he doesn’t quite know how to say it.
Perhaps some of us may find these words too difficult or too insignificant to be uttered.
However, there is never a gesture too big or too small for our appreciation.
If you have been on the receiving end of a heartfelt thank you, you’d agree that this acknowledgement can mean a lot!

Make the resolution during this Vesak celebration to act! At Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery, we have opened a space for the public to express gratitude of all kinds through different forms. You can use photographs, drawings, video clips and a sprinkle of imagination to thank those around you who have in ways big or small left their print, be it is a doting mother, a steadfast friend, an understanding co-worker or your pet, a stranger or mother earth! In your own creative ways, allow your gratitude to speak through these different mediums.

Come and share this moment with other gratitude bearers and be inspired by the myriad of ways ‘thank you’ can be ‘said’!

Do take a look at the website:

Also, i would like to share a quote that i saw on the ga2550 website which i found very interesting n meaningful.

"Am glad I can be glad…because if not, I cannot be glad!
Am grateful I can be grateful…because if not, I would be an ingrate!"

(posted by Zeph on ga2550)

Indeed, indeed.... My deepest gratitude to my parents and all the people who helped me in any point in my life.


Blogger Huilian said...

hiee wm, i agree w ur quote. hen2 you3 dao4 li3.. :)

once agn,i'm ur utmost supporter..haha

4:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ay sister.. where u disappear to??? no more entries???

10:35 pm  

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