Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yummy yum yum..

Sat dinner: Honey-lemon chicken with capsicums
Sun breakfast: Bread, cheese, egg, medium dried tomatoes, bacon
Sun dinner: Pasta
Mon dinner: Garlic chilli egg-plant and minced meat
Tue dinner: Roll
Wed dinner: Fried rice with Mongolian stir-fry

And guess what? The food that I have been eating this few days may very likely be the kind of food that the ex-Philippines president used to eat. (Gosh!) This is because David’s mum used to be the caterer for the ex-president. No wonder every dish that David cooks just seems like gourmet’s standard. And yes, I have been helping out in the kitchen in small ways while David cooks (my specialty is finely chopped onion. :p) and at the same time trying to ‘steal’ some of his culinary skills. I haven’t tried out so I’m not sure if my culinary skills improved but I learnt a very important thing from David in the kitchen. He thinks of the dish he wants to cook, visualizes it and spends great effort in cooking and presenting the dish. In short, he puts his heart and soul into cooking. Personally, I believe that this plays a major role in the end-result of the dish. I admit, I don’t put much effort when I cook because to me, cooking as just another must-do thing. That’s probably the reason why my dishes never tasted fantastic. So if you ask me what I gained most out of my crash course of ‘cooking lessons’, it’ll be to learn to enjoy cooking and to put my heart and soul into it if I want to whip up more yummy dishes. I guess the same goes for everything else in life. Lesson of the week (and possibly a lifetime): To do a good job, do it mindfully (concentrate) and learn to take pleasure in doing the task.

In case anyone is wondering, David is NOT a chef. He does marketing. And he just migrated to Australia, that’s why he’s staying at The Manor (the bed and breakfast place I’m staying in Wagga) temporarily. His wife and kids will be joining him in Wagga soon. Aren’t we lucky to be at Wagga (& The Manor) at this time? Any earlier or later, we would have missed him. :) He really brighten up my last week at Wagga with his keen sense of humour and numerous stories.

Jeannie, David and I went to the Wagga Botanical Gardens over the weekend. It was quite a nice place, with a mini zoo, lots of open spaces and huge trees. Below are some photos that we took there:

Jeannie & I

David & I


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... u should haf sent some of those food back to s'pore for me... hmm nv think of me... BISH!!! =p

3:13 pm  

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