Friday, March 10, 2006

Wagga Wagga

On the tourist broacher, it introduces Wagga as “the largest inland city in New South Wales”. Hmm… oh well, to me the 土生土长 city girl, Wagga seems more like a quiet country-town. The cbd consists of only 1 main street as far as i know. But the main reason why I chose to come to Wagga for my clinical attachments was so that I can experience the country lifestyle. So yep… I guess I got my wish.

Must start from the beginning and tell how I arrived in Wagga. On a 33-seater plane. My first time on such a mini plane. You can see the propeller of the plane from the window and can see it moving when the plane flies. A bit scary but overall, ok. Well, at least I arrived safely.

The 33-seater plane that we took. Notice the propellor?

I started work at the Riverina Cancer Care Centre already. It's a 35 min walk away from the place i'm staying. Along the way, i will walk past a river with has some greedy geese (that will start quacking for food when they see anyone) and a few rows of houses. Not very exciting... But looking on the bright side, the riverside walk is quite pretty in the morning.

Me with the tall, pretty grass by the river

The place i'm staying at is a very old-fashioned guesthouse. Those with the wooden floor which will creak when you walk on them. Has quite quaint furniture around. Like my room has an antique-like dressing table and bedside lamp. But it's clean and quite comfotable.

Temperatures here range from about 17 deg in the early morning to a height of 35 deg in the afternoon. Very dry. People here are quite friendly. But i think Jeannie and i are probably the very v v v v few asians here. As a result, some people tend to give us a curious 2nd and sometimes even a 3rd look. :) But they are pretty harmless (i hope... )

Well, that's all for now. Shall update again after i see more of this place.


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