Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Spring is coming !

I have been in Australia for slightly more than a month already. I won’t say that time flies in this case probably because my daily routine is quite fixed, so it does get a bit bored sometimes and therefore, time passes quite slowly. But I’m a bit shocked to realize that it’s already week 4 of my school semester. Oh no! Work is starting to pile up now and it’s getting closer to the dates of the dreaded tests and assignment deadlines. This reminds me so much of my busy last semester in NYP. Only this time, I don’t have my beloved friends, Cheryl & Rena, to slack till the very last day then rush to do assignments & projects together at the last minute. Really miss the times when we motivate one another via msn on the very night (or rather early morning) the assignment is due. Now, I only have Jeannie & Junting to ‘chiong’ with.

Last Fri, we had a Spore RTs gathering at the house of one of the RT who has come to Sydney to work. We had a really good time. It was a potluck dinner, so there were lots of different kinds of food, eg. Sushi, salad, prawns, baked chicken and curry chicken. Yum yum… esp the curry chicken. Miss curry chicken back home….. But I guess the fun part was really meeting up with fellow Singaporeans and comparing our experiences in Sydney and talking about old times. It always feels so good and heart-warming to meet up with fellow countrymen when you are abroad.

YEAH! It’s 1 Sept tomorrow! It’s the official date when spring starts. Ha… soon, I can wear my T-shirts and don’t have to bring jackets out anymore. And, FLOWERS & more FLOWERS! The flowers in Australia are quite unique and very beautiful. I love them. Now that spring is here, I’ll get to see more and more flowers bloom. Hehe… well, at least I have something to look forward to.

Hmm… talking abt 1 Sept, it suddenly occur to me I only have 3 more months of school left before I can go back to Spore again. Ha! Can’t wait to see my family n friends and eat Spore food! I miss my Cha Kuey Tiao, hainanese chicken rice, carrot cake, mee siam….. and the list goes on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... spring is a season of love too... remember to keep a lookout, if not you'll always have me ^__^
3 more months, can't wait to see you... talk to you soon...

love ya... lao gong

11:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hie sis!!! can't wait for u to come back soon too... cos seems like i m being fed cha kuey tiao everidae... yucks... dun like... muah haha so when u come back gonna throw u all da cha kuey tiao papa n mummy buy to eat... den u dun haf to eat..

9:05 pm  

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