Monday, August 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Started school today. Only have a 2 hr lecture every Monday. Hehe… not too bad. Should not have Monday blues now. And after examining my timetable, I realize that I only have to go to school on 3 days every week. Mon to Wed. So that leaves Thur to Sun free. Hmm.. and let me do some maths here. I go to school 3 days a week. I have 16 weeks of lessons per sem. So that means theoretically, I only go to school 48 days this sem. Haha… sounds cool! I’m starting to like uni life. Just hope there won’t be too much projects, assignments, presentations etc. But I got a feeling there will be. Haiz… maybe I don’t really like uni life so much afterall. BUT, now is only the beginning, so I shall not make judgments so soon. Shall wait and see…

Tomorrow is national day. HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY, SINGAPORE!!! I miss singing all the national day songs & watching the fireworks. I miss home…


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