Saturday, January 29, 2005

My life currently...

I have not blogged for a long time, really v long.. ever since i came back from Aussie. The main reason is because i was pretty busy the past few weeks... Basically, busy meeting up with frens whom i have not seen for the past 6 weeks when i was in Oz, with Aikido, with school work, with helping out with the collection of tents & crockery for the tsunami victims in the Maldives, with my driving lessons and with the hustles of daily life.

Hmm... tink i should give a short conclusion to my Aussie experience (although it ended quite long ago). But everything that has a beginning must have an end mah., so here i go... I think overall, i enjoyed my Oz experience. It was really a memorable trip cos it's my 1st trip overseas that span across 6 weeks. In the past, i did go overseas, but it was only for short periods of time and always had everything prearranged with tour groups. But this time, it's totally different. My frens & i had to arrange everything ourselves, from big issues like accommodation to medium size issues like daily transport & food to small issues like when to go to the internet cafe etc... This really taught me to be independent. I'm v glad i had my friends to go through this period of time with me, to help me along & to share the fun & unhappy moments with me. Another thing that i learnt was to appreciate singapore. It was only in Australia that i realise that i have been taking so many things in spore for granted, eg the efficiency of our train system. So this trip to Oz made me cherish all that i'm given in spore. In conclusion, i should say that my clinical attachments to Oz was a v enriching experience. Professionally, i had the opportunity to experience the aussie way of treating patients which i felt greatly inspired me to demonstrate good patient care. Personally, i felt that i grew up a lot in the 6 weeks, in terms of self confidence, independence & also social skills when interacting with others. Lastly, i have lots of wonderful memories of pretty sydney & fun gold coast!

The collection of tents & crockery for the tsunami victims in Maldives is now over. Just to give a short conclusion to the event as well, i shall say it was a very heart-warming experience. It further confirms my belief that humans are kind in nature. i think that tsunami did bring out something good afterall.... it brought out the best in the human spirit - our ability to show compassion and love for our fellow human beings. Think the next proj that i'm going to help out with is the collection of books, toys & stationery for the ophans in areas hit by the tsunami.

School... haha... i have mixed feelings abt this term. On 1 hand, i'm not v excited abt it cos it brings to mind the numerous projects & assignments that i have to do this sem. Yet, on another hand, i love going to school cos it means seeing my frens & having fun with my RT grp. i really love my class lots & now i'm really cherishing the last 3 months of lessons that i'll be having with this crazy, fun-loving grp of pple.


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