Tuesday, November 30, 2004

3rd Greetings from the Land of Oz

Well so many things to update but so little time.. sigh... well... firstly, weather's back to hot again! we are bracing for the 42 degrees hot weather tomoro and i'm real glad i'm working tomorrow coz at least got air con. heehee...

Btw, to show u all how poor and scrimpy i am in Oz, let me share with u all what we have for meals. we always buy this humongous 89cents loaf of bread from the supremarket here and this can last us for at least 2 breakfasts and sometimes even lunch. for stuffings, we will get chicken ham which is only like less than 50cents per slice. My gal fren n i always share meal and we refuse to allow our meals exceed 5 bucks. Today was the most ultimate, we have lunch at 65cents per person! haha... was from hospital's canteen and we ordered two side dishes for a total of 1.30 bucks. heehee... sometimes, if i'm feeling even more stingy, i'll just get meat pie from the supermarket at only 59 cents and warm it up for dinner. but decided not to eat too much of that cos dunno wat meat it is. They don't write it in the ingredients list. quite scary! so u all can see, i'm really broke n poor here. just to get a few more gifts for evetryone in spore. so when i get back to spore, can u all pls take turns to treat me?

Yesterday we met up with some frens from NCC in spore. it was so great to meet up with pple from singapore... just make the homesickness i'm feeling easier to bear... sigh... i miss singapore's food... char kway teow, mee siam, mee hun kuay, fishhead curry blah blah blah... that's it, i'm gonna golf all this things down the min i get back to singapore heehee...

oh yah.... n oz doesn't seem to hav much veg except potatoes. i miss my green leafy vegetables !!! all of u all must treat me to a big plate of veg when i get back to spore ok? thks in advance. :p


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