Saturday, November 13, 2004

A bit troubled...

Haha.... i managed to figure out how to put in the appropriate paragrahping!!! Feel quite smart. I went to edit the HTML leh.... Imagine! a computer idiot like me actually going to edit some weird, horrible, greek-like HTML language. Actually, have to thank the silly website design project that i had to do for Rad Info. & of course, more importantly the person who taught me some HTML language while helping me do my proj.

Anyway, enough abt my smartness.... Back to the reason y i'm still awake so late at night (which is quite an uncommon thing for me since i'm such a pig as those who know me well can testify). The reason is b'cos i'm quite troubled.

Yesterday was Zhen's 21st bdae. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY! again, Zhen) Was supposed to be a joyous occassion but something unexpected & unpleasant happened. It caused a bit of unhappiness for all the involved parties. And the worse part is, i think i'm the one partly at fault but it ended up that another person has to bear the bulk of the outburst. (To the person, i'm so sorry. :(

Haiz.... But to me now, this matter is over. We were all at fault, except poor, innocent Zhen. All i wish for now is that the relationship between all of us can get back to the way it was previously. Cos i really cherish the funny, easy-going, loving and innocent relationship we share. Really hope to see that all is well before i leave for Sydney.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to apologize to me at all. You were not the one who screamed at me. Neither did you accuse me of anything. Things like this happens. It's not the first anyway.

What's done can never be undone. For our relationship to go back to the way we were is pretty difficult for me i have to admit. I'm sorry if i can't fulfil this wish of yours.

As i've said yesterday, i'll only bear the fault of the things that i did or didn't do. Other matters aside are none of my business.

And you don't have to worry about me. I don't mix persoanl and work matters together. I have nothing to fear.

2:37 pm  

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