Tuesday, November 23, 2004

2nd post for DownUnder

Today i started work at westmead hospital. wow! the roster is real neat! we work 9 days for a forthnight.. which means one week we work from mon to fri then another week it'll be just 4 days... haha cool huh?

And i just remembered something. i'll miss singapore idol!!! but we caught Australian idol finals yest on TV. It was quite a huge event. It's held at the Sydney Opera House and they have lots of fireworks after the results were released. The coolest thing is that we could view the fireworks from the window of our rooms. Oh well, it did look far away n small n everything but nevertheless, it's still quite beautiful.

i know that in my previous post i said that the weather's damn hot. guess what? that nite after we left the internet cafe, we were all so cold. coz it rained and the weather plunged to below 20 degrees... and this lasted till today.. i'm still shivering now.. sigh... erratic weather.. also today after work, we waited like one hour for our train.. crazy huh! n it was super cold... shivering all the way while waiting. i shall NOT complain anymore abt spore's train system when i'm back in spore.

sigh.. i'm already beginning to miss singapore's food.


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