Saturday, November 20, 2004

I'm in Sydney!!!

i'm finally in Australia! now in internet cafe. The rates are quite ok, 2.50 aus dollars per hour and so the three of us(my classmates) sharing that one hour.

The town i'm staying at, Auburn, is ok... accommodation so-so, nothing luxurious but we got first class treatment,esp for me, heehee.. guess what? i got a so-called attached bathroom and toilet... somemore 6 showers, 4 bathrooms and 5 toilet cubicles... once i open the door, ta da! there's my bathroom! heehee... and btw, we all go to the same toilet, male and females included. Kinky rite?

By the way, Auburn is a turkish town. everywhere on the street i see turks and turkey food.. even took a walk to the mosque.. so guess we have to eat turkish food v often now. n the pizza we had 4 lunch today is humongous. 4 of us had a super dupper hard time finishing it.

The weather's damn hot. n my room got no fan. n no ventilation. so quite stuffy. n the weird thing is the shops around here all dun sell fan one. so want to buy oso cannot. haiz..... but 1 man in a shop offered his shop 2 us cos got aircon. hahaha...

Tomoro we all heading to the city.. YEAH!!! Hope we can go and watch a show at the opera house.


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