Sunday, July 31, 2005

My home for a year

We woke up in the morning feeling so excited & happy that we have a proper place to stay from today onwards. A place to call our home.

Grace came to pick us up from our hostel in the morning & once again, we had to lug our tonnes of luggage. I bet our muscle mass grew drastically within these few days. Oh! And just as an aside, I think I’ll really have nice, strong and tough calf muscles by the end of the yr. We have been walking so much ever since we came to Oz. Till now, we have yet to take public transport. It takes 30 mins to walk from my sch to Lidcombe town and another 45 mins to walk from Lidcombe to Auburn. And these few days, we keep coming back and forth these 3 places and in these 3 places. So you can imagine the amount that we walked. I refuse to calculate the distance. (Cos if I calculate, I’ll start to feel my legs aching once again. ;p) And from now on, I’ll have to walk about 40 mins to sch & another 40 mins back from sch everyday. So there! I’m v confident that I’ll have nice, slim and slender legs when I go back to spore. So look out for it, pple!

Actions speak louder than words. Our landladies demonstrated from their actions that they are really helpful pple. After we have shifted our luggage up to the apartment (which happens to be on the 2nd floor, 3 storey up from the garage), and finally managed to catch a breath, Grace once again offered to drive us to Ikea so that we can buy our furniture. So nice of her rite? She even told us that if we start sch at 9am, we can ask Joanne to drive us to sch cos Joanne starts work at 9 too. And if we are in sch till late at night, we can give them a call and ask to pick us up as the way back home from the sch is v long and dark. (For those who are unaware of it, my sch directly faces the biggest & oldest cemetery in New South Wales. So everyday, I see the cemetery as I walk to and fro from school.)

After fixing up the furniture we bought from Ikea and after our mattress is delivered, TA-DA!! Our rooms are nicely and comfortably decorated already. Hmm… let me describe my room. It has carpeted floor. One piece of wall is painted dark blue (BLUE! My fav colour. Haha…) I have my mattress to sleep on, a bedside table which has a blue lamp that I bought from Ikea, a big black study table with a black study lamp and a black chair in my room. My wardrobe spans across the length of my whole room and the exterior is all mirror. (So I can see myself no matter which corner of the room I’m in.)

So glad to have a nice, indoor room to sleep tonight. So happy to be able to find a place to settle in so fast. So thankful for everything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello!!! you are really lucky to get your apartment so quickly. heheh... since you are free now, looking forward to receving your letter soon.=P


6:27 pm  
Blogger Magnesium said...

Haha... Not v free liao. School starts tomorrow. Haiz... Anyway, i was telling cy. My letter may take some time to arrive. Cos i haven manage to find the post office yet. ;p So for now, tink you'll have to get updates from my blog.

Take care & enjoy youself in Spore!

4:09 pm  

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