Friday, July 29, 2005

Finding a place to call home down-under

Hmm... i realised that i have not updated my blog for a super duper long time. Well, tink i shd try to do it regularly again.

Shall start by updating about what’s happening at my side (down under) now. Jeannie & I found a place to stay already!! Super fast & efficient rite?? Haha…. Actually, we were just v v lucky. The 1st day we reached, when we went to all the real estate agents, none of them have anything v attractive to offer us & we were really afraid we had to pitch tents & sleep on the streets (cos our hostel stay is only up till Sat morn). The 1st day was really super demoralizing & depressing (cold, tired, hungry & facing the prospect of landing on the streets). The 2nd day morn, we decided to try one of the real estate agents again which told us yest that they might have something available for us. However, when we reached there, we were told that the hse we wanted was no longer available. Imagine our disappointment & sianz feeling. Being v desperate, we pleaded with the agent to help us look for something. At this point in time, we noticed that one of the staff in the office keep sneaking looks over at us. When the agent that was attending to us walked away with nothing to offer, this staff came over. She told us that she herself has a 3 room apartment & that she wants to rent out 1 room. When we told her that we wanted 2 rooms, she called her flat mate to discuss n the conclusion was that they only want to rent out 1 room as they want another room as the study room.

Disappointed once again, we left the shop to sit on some cold metal bench that freezed our butts while we ate our breakfast (hot chips!). Halfway thru the chips, we received a call from the lady at the real estate place (Joanne) to inform us that after discussing with her flat mate, they decided to rent us 2 rooms! WOW!!! That was really the best news we heard since we came to Oz. After we finished stuffing chips into our mouths, we went over n she immediately brought us over to view her apartment. BIG SURPRISE !!! Her apartment is really v nice! Very homely, new (only 4 months old), clean, modern & the wonderful part is, Jeannie & my room faces each other at one part of the hse & between us there’s a toilet with bathtub & everything. So it’s like we live in a secluded part of the hse with our own private attached bathroom. The best part is that, the whole place is fully furnished (except for beds). So that saves us the hassle & money of having to go get all the furniture, washing machine, fridge, kettle, rice cooker etc ourselves. Plus, both Joanne & Grace (her flat mate & our soon to be flat mate) are v nice & warm pple. Jeannie & I both fell in love with the 2 of them as well as the apartment once we stepped into the place.

However, being rational girls who refuse to make rash decisions, we decided to try looking for our places b4 we make a decision. So we spent the rest of the day going to many many real estate agents to enquire & we went to 2 hses for viewing. However, both houses didn’t appeal to us much. The 1st one was pretty old n very dirty. The 2nd one is quite quiet and far from sch & shops. Tired of going for any more disappointing hse viewings, we made up our minds to go back to Joanne. At the same time, we went to purchase our mattresses and arranged to have it delivered to our new place the next day.

That night, we signed the landlord-tenant agreement and TA-DA! We have a permanent place to stay for the next 1 yr, with all the comforts of home immediately available to us.

I think both of us are really really lucky to meet Joanne and Grace and to be able to settle down so soon. Thank you to all my family & friends for your blessings and well wishes. I really think it worked wonders.

Ha.. a super long blog rite? to make up for lost time that i didn't blog mah. :P


Blogger  said...

Hey... great to know that u have found such a nice place ^.^ Do keep us posted of more updates. Take care and enjoy~~

12:07 am  
Blogger Huilian said...

haha..ur blog link is under my 'fav' but it hasnt been clicked for a loooong time..juz now clicked it by chance coz u mentioned u'll write in ur blog..wah..2 long entries..haha..

really happy for u tt u managed to find such a cosy place to live in so quickly..hehehe

2:23 am  
Blogger Magnesium said...

Haha... ok ok. i shall try to update my blog more often now that i noe that people actually read my blog. *shy*

Anyway, all of u take care & enjoy life in Spore too! Take leave if possible to come visit me. Haha...

4:05 pm  

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