Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Weekly update again…

1. I’ll be graduating with 1 extra credit point (cp). Haiz…. Sounds good, but actually it’s not. Cos it means I have to do more work than most of my classmates. As if normal work is not hectic enough. *bangs head on the wall* Here’s what happened. We are all supposed to select an elective module out of a list to complete this semester. The module is supposed to be a 3 cp module. However, at the 1st week of the sem, we were told that the module we originally selected was not running and we had to choose another one instead. Fair enough…. My 2 classmates n I decided to choose this module called Stress & Disability. Since it’s in the list of modules for us to choose from and all the other modules in that list are 3 cp, we presumed that we would be doing a 3 cp module too. It was only on Thur that we realized that it was not the case! This module is a 4 cp module!!! *faints* And it was too late to change module as it is already week 5 of the semester. So silly rite? And it wasn’t specifically stated in the list that this module will be a 4 cp module. Learnt a lesson. Never assume. Haiz…. Luckily the module is quite interesting and the lecturer is nice. But the down side is more assignments. Will be busy busy busy…

2. Had weapons training on Thur’s night aikido training. Learnt some Jo techniques. Mainly defending and attacking. Hehe.. and I realize I don’t know how to coordinate my hands, body and legs movements. Felt like they were all going in many different directions at the same time.

3. Had an Australian style lunch time BBQ by the beach on Sat.

4. And, I’M GOING HOME ON 5 DEC!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!! So so so excited…..


Blogger Unknown said...

hey, didn't u say before that aikido is a defensive martial art? then how come ur jo techniques include attacking one?

8:17 pm  
Blogger Magnesium said...

Need to know how to attack for 2 reasons i think:
1. During training, one party has to attack so that the other person will learn how to defend. So we always take turns to be the attacker and the victim.
2. Need to know how your enemies will attack so that you'll know how to defend. 知自知彼, 百战百胜。

5:13 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

faint... ur chinese realli cannot make it lah.. it's 知己知彼 not 知自知彼 lah

7:14 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

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7:14 pm  

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