Tuesday, November 30, 2004

3rd Greetings from the Land of Oz

Well so many things to update but so little time.. sigh... well... firstly, weather's back to hot again! we are bracing for the 42 degrees hot weather tomoro and i'm real glad i'm working tomorrow coz at least got air con. heehee...

Btw, to show u all how poor and scrimpy i am in Oz, let me share with u all what we have for meals. we always buy this humongous 89cents loaf of bread from the supremarket here and this can last us for at least 2 breakfasts and sometimes even lunch. for stuffings, we will get chicken ham which is only like less than 50cents per slice. My gal fren n i always share meal and we refuse to allow our meals exceed 5 bucks. Today was the most ultimate, we have lunch at 65cents per person! haha... was from hospital's canteen and we ordered two side dishes for a total of 1.30 bucks. heehee... sometimes, if i'm feeling even more stingy, i'll just get meat pie from the supermarket at only 59 cents and warm it up for dinner. but decided not to eat too much of that cos dunno wat meat it is. They don't write it in the ingredients list. quite scary! so u all can see, i'm really broke n poor here. just to get a few more gifts for evetryone in spore. so when i get back to spore, can u all pls take turns to treat me?

Yesterday we met up with some frens from NCC in spore. it was so great to meet up with pple from singapore... just make the homesickness i'm feeling easier to bear... sigh... i miss singapore's food... char kway teow, mee siam, mee hun kuay, fishhead curry blah blah blah... that's it, i'm gonna golf all this things down the min i get back to singapore heehee...

oh yah.... n oz doesn't seem to hav much veg except potatoes. i miss my green leafy vegetables !!! all of u all must treat me to a big plate of veg when i get back to spore ok? thks in advance. :p

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

2nd post for DownUnder

Today i started work at westmead hospital. wow! the roster is real neat! we work 9 days for a forthnight.. which means one week we work from mon to fri then another week it'll be just 4 days... haha cool huh?

And i just remembered something. i'll miss singapore idol!!! but we caught Australian idol finals yest on TV. It was quite a huge event. It's held at the Sydney Opera House and they have lots of fireworks after the results were released. The coolest thing is that we could view the fireworks from the window of our rooms. Oh well, it did look far away n small n everything but nevertheless, it's still quite beautiful.

i know that in my previous post i said that the weather's damn hot. guess what? that nite after we left the internet cafe, we were all so cold. coz it rained and the weather plunged to below 20 degrees... and this lasted till today.. i'm still shivering now.. sigh... erratic weather.. also today after work, we waited like one hour for our train.. crazy huh! n it was super cold... shivering all the way while waiting. i shall NOT complain anymore abt spore's train system when i'm back in spore.

sigh.. i'm already beginning to miss singapore's food.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

I'm in Sydney!!!

i'm finally in Australia! now in internet cafe. The rates are quite ok, 2.50 aus dollars per hour and so the three of us(my classmates) sharing that one hour.

The town i'm staying at, Auburn, is ok... accommodation so-so, nothing luxurious but we got first class treatment,esp for me, heehee.. guess what? i got a so-called attached bathroom and toilet... somemore 6 showers, 4 bathrooms and 5 toilet cubicles... once i open the door, ta da! there's my bathroom! heehee... and btw, we all go to the same toilet, male and females included. Kinky rite?

By the way, Auburn is a turkish town. everywhere on the street i see turks and turkey food.. even took a walk to the mosque.. so guess we have to eat turkish food v often now. n the pizza we had 4 lunch today is humongous. 4 of us had a super dupper hard time finishing it.

The weather's damn hot. n my room got no fan. n no ventilation. so quite stuffy. n the weird thing is the shops around here all dun sell fan one. so want to buy oso cannot. haiz..... but 1 man in a shop offered his shop 2 us cos got aircon. hahaha...

Tomoro we all heading to the city.. YEAH!!! Hope we can go and watch a show at the opera house.

Monday, November 15, 2004

My goal in life

"When is the best time to do things?

Who are the most important people?

What is the most important thing?

The present moment is the only moment.

The most important person is always the person you are with.

And the most important pursuit is making the person standing at your side happy.

What could be simpler or more important?"

-The Resilient Spirit: Transforming Suffering into Insight & Renewal-

By Polly Young-Eisendrath

I was really struck hard by the simplicity & truth of the above passage. (My breath was literally taken away for a moment when i read this passage on the MRT. Spent the rest of the journey thinking about this sentence after that....)

It all sounds so simple but yet it is so hard to achieve. But i shall try my very best to put it into practice. Making the person i'm with at any moment happy shall be my goal in life from now on.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

i have much to learn....

If one can be so convincing as to say that a black object is white, should i say that the one is smart & i'm stupid cos although i know the thing is black, i can't convince the one otherwise? Or should i just say that it's a matter of perception?

If i should not interfere in the business between 2 parties, does that mean that i should not care about anything that does not involve me? Then does that mean that i should not help other people since their problem doesn't affect & concern me? Does that mean that i just close both eyes to all injustice in the world? Then in that case, how does one explain the concept of interdependence? Where does one draw the line between my business & others' business?

i still have much to learn about life.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

A bit troubled...

Haha.... i managed to figure out how to put in the appropriate paragrahping!!! Feel quite smart. I went to edit the HTML leh.... Imagine! a computer idiot like me actually going to edit some weird, horrible, greek-like HTML language. Actually, have to thank the silly website design project that i had to do for Rad Info. & of course, more importantly the person who taught me some HTML language while helping me do my proj.

Anyway, enough abt my smartness.... Back to the reason y i'm still awake so late at night (which is quite an uncommon thing for me since i'm such a pig as those who know me well can testify). The reason is b'cos i'm quite troubled.

Yesterday was Zhen's 21st bdae. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY! again, Zhen) Was supposed to be a joyous occassion but something unexpected & unpleasant happened. It caused a bit of unhappiness for all the involved parties. And the worse part is, i think i'm the one partly at fault but it ended up that another person has to bear the bulk of the outburst. (To the person, i'm so sorry. :(

Haiz.... But to me now, this matter is over. We were all at fault, except poor, innocent Zhen. All i wish for now is that the relationship between all of us can get back to the way it was previously. Cos i really cherish the funny, easy-going, loving and innocent relationship we share. Really hope to see that all is well before i leave for Sydney.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

HELP ! i have a problem with my blog !

hmm... weird. How come my entry appears as 1 whole big blot of words although i did put in the appropriate paragraphing.... Can anyone offer a solution?
Haha... my 2nd entry. This time i'm quite sure it'll appear. So i shall write more.

I met YY n HT today for lunch. Though we were just sitting around in Long John n actually went to the NTUC to buy things like chicken & ham after that (a bit aunties-like hor), i had a great time. I didn't realise how much i missed them till we sat down n started talking like in old times. Boy.... i do miss our sec sch CO days so much.

Went to the Geylang bazaar wif Xin, HL & nad in the evening. It was fun too.... So much interesting things to see & lots of great food to eat. & it's my 1st time eating Ramly burger. It was yum yum........ delicious! Too bad Zhen cannot join us. I noe she would have loved eating the Ramly burger too.

Despite the great day i had today, actually, i'm quite mad with 1 person. Hmm... tink a mixture of 60% disappointment, 20% anger, 10% disbelief & 10% sadness will better describe my feelings now. This incident changed my views of this person by quite a fair bit. Till now, i still can't believe that this person actually can really go n do such a insensitive thing. Haiz.... what a letdown.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

My 1st entry!!

Actually i'm just trying out the system. Testing testing 123......