3 Weeks of Long-Awaited Holidays !
Finally, finally, after a super tough week, my eagerly looked-forward-to holidays are here!
Hmm...what shall i do in these 3 weeks?
1. Learn diving ! Cool ! Looking forward to seeing the remaining 70% of the world that i can't reach by walking.
2. Continue my driving lessons. I passed my final theory test! so must quick quick learn my to drive so that i can go for my practical test before i leave for Oz. Right now, my process is quite poor. The instructor says i drive in a zig-zag manner. :-(
3. Read a lot of books that i have kept wanting to read but didn't have time to do so during school term.
4. Meet up with friends and spend some time with my family too.
Can't think of anything more to do at the moment. But i'm quite sure things will just appear along the way for me to do one...
Hahaha... best of all, 3 weeks of rest n sufficient sleep!!!
Cheers to 9 years of friendship!
I had a wonderful time today. Went to Youya's house for a gathering with my Zhongruan frens. We didn't have a meeting where all of us are present for a very very very long time already. The amazing part is that despite all 5 of us having totally different lifestyles now and the fact that some of us have not talked to the rest in ages, when the 5 of us got together, i find that our group chemistry is still present. I felt totally comfortable with their company. "True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but not in heart." Cheers to my 5 fellow ZR mates for being my friends for 9 wonderful years and still counting....
Happy Friendship Day!
Happy Friendship Day to all my friends!!!
Hotel Rwanda
I went to watch a movie called Hotel Rwanda today. It was very good. Very touching. It really brought out the cruelty of a racial civil war, the despair of the people, the selfishness and nonchalent attitude of the world even when atrocious things are displayed right in front of our faces and yet in the midst of all these terrible things, how 1 man can make a positive difference to the lifes of 1286 people.
It's a very good show and i'll highly recommend it to everyone.
The Menace of Female Beauty
Some food for thought:
1. "Female power is beauty" so much so that "a woman is rewarded for how she appears and not for what she desires or what she produces".
2. "Being thin sends a visual message to the world... that a woman works hard at being attractive, and is therefore good at her traditional job of being a desirable sexual object, romantic partner and consumer. By being lean, she also conveys the idea that she's disciplined, efficient and in control of herself."
I read these statements in the Women & Desire book. It really made me think a lot. Abt female appearances. Concidentally, L was telling me that he read in a book that says that males are need to be attracted by a female's appearance before he will attempt to get to know her better and that males cannot be persuaded to like a girl if he is not attracted by her looks.
Are females who are physically unattractive forever cursed to be unloved then?
Why is it that even in our supposedly educated & reasonable society, females are still judged by their looks & not by their true capabilities?
Why do modern women (including myself) constantly desire to be thinner?
What do i, as a woman, truly desire then?
All opinions & comments are very welcomed.....